ULTRASOFT with 6 : 產生短而濃密的Peach Effect效果
手感加工 Softening、乾/濕磨毛
Easy to use 操作容易
Running the machine is very simple compared to other sueding machines even by unqualified staff. 即使是非熟練的操作人員,與操作其他磨毛機相比,機器的操作環節也非常簡單
Lengthwise fabric tension is automatically adjusted by various load cells controlled by the computer in order to ensure the sueding uniformity. 縱向織物張力可由計算機控制的稱重傳感器自動調節,以確保起絨的均勻性
This also allows to vary the sueding effect from the typical UltraSoft effect with very short and dense pile (not achievable on conventional machines) to a longer pile. 也使起絨效果可從典型短而密的絨面變為更長的絨面(無法從傳統磨毛機上所能實現的效果)
All parameters under control in order to process any fabric 為求處理任何織物,所有參數皆在可控之下
The wide range of adjustments possible such as drum speed, brush speed, drum rotation direction, brush rotation allow to reach the optimal sueding effect on any knit or woven fabric regardless of elasticity. 滾筒速度、刷子速度、滾筒旋轉方向、刷子旋轉等廣泛的調整可以在任何針織或機織織物上達到最佳的起絨效果,無論各種彈性面料
The machine can be set to achieve new and diversified results even on the same type of fabric. 即便在同一種面料上,機器也可以設定成新穎且多樣化的效果
More effective sueding dust removal 更有效的絨面除塵
In order to enhance the sueding dust elimination from both fabric and machine, a ventilation system in the sueding chamber creates an air flow that proactively moves dust particles towards the suction hood. 為了增強織物和機器的絨面除塵效果,絨面室中的通風系統會產生氣流,主動將灰塵顆粒吹向吸風罩
Abrasive brush unit at drum exit (Lafer SpA patent) 滾筒出口處的研磨刷裝置(Lafer SpA 專利)
Driven by an independent inverter controlled variable speed motor, the brush enhance the pile orientation and increases the sueding effect. 毛刷由獨立變頻控制的變速電機驅動,增強絨頭定向進而加強了起絨效果
Option available on request 依據要求可選項
Microsand mode for achieving a "summer sueding effect" Microsand 模式,實現“夏日起絨效果”
For woven fabrics, the Ultrasoft can be designed to allow an easy replacement of the sueding brushes with 24 rollers equipped with the longlasting Carbosint diamond emery. 對於平織織物,Ultrasoft 可以設計成允許使用配備長效 Carbosint 鑽石砂的 24 個滾筒易更換絨面刷
The Microsand mode produces a more superficial sueding effect (compared to the deeper "winter effect" of the UltraSoft brushes) leading to a cooler touch with usually invisible and non-oriented pile. Microsand 模式能呈現更表面的絨面效果(與 UltraSoft 刷子更深的“冬季效果”相比),使通常不可見且無方向的絨毛觸感更加涼爽